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Alexander Stefan
Doctor Faustef
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Scientific Dossier of V. Stefan DOCTOR FAUSTEF by V. Alexander Stefan V.
Alexander Stefan. Regarding, Inter Alia, Albert Einstein V. Alexander Stefan - Works in Chronological Order V. Alexander Stefan. MY PASSION |
The Faustef
Trilogy FICTION-FANTASY Physics, Physics-in-Fiction, Physics Fiction, and Metaphysics The story about Doctor Faustef from his youth years up to the times when he becomes an immortal human being code-13 and, subsequently, defeats Lucifer. QUALB the Giver, the Creator of all that there is, the Everlasting Human Being, gives Faustef the post of the Master Guardian of the Atlantis Universe and the 21 Sibling Universes, the former post of Lucifer. |
The 1st Book KINDLE
EDITION Badonna, an Immortal Woman
Code-13, and Faustef |
The 2nd Book V. Alexander
An Epic About Doctor Faustef
Versus Lucifer |
The 3rd Book V. Alexander
History of the Human Race
in |
(C) 2005. V. Alexander
© 1996. Oil-Acrylic. V. Alexander Stefan. Faustef Versus Lucifer in the Fight for Immortality
To the Reader by Doctor FAUSTEF:
Reader, This
book deals with the “Marie Louise Bromfield Immortality Experiment,”
which I performed on my two graduate students and myself on February 11,
2001, in Alamrod Laboratory placed in Armageddon area. The experiment was based on ephemerons, the particles of
Time, in
interaction with “the gate of immortality” located in our brains. In
that experiment our mortal existence code-5 has been transmuted into
immortal code-7. The
writer of the book, a dear friend of mine, wrote it exactly the way I have
wanted it to be. I checked every single page of the volume.
Dear reader, by reading this book you will be induced to reveal to
yourself your own questions and answers—buried deep inside of
you—regarding your very own existence: your birth, your living years,
your death, and your nonliving years. Let your own inner universe see the
light of day. Think it out with your brain, feel it out with your heart,
and sense it out with your gut. Then, choose between mortal or immortal
existence, or embrace both. Fear
Not. Victor
(© 2005, V. Alexander STEFAN)
How I Created Doctor Faustef, pdf
Available on AMAZON KINDLE Books
Alexander Stefan
Alexander Stefan
of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stefan,
V. Doctor
Faustef / V. Alexander Stefan. 1. Start Over: 2. Search Text: DOCTOR FAUSTEF 3. Search Type: TITLE p. cm. Summary: A novel about Doctor Faustef in search for
human immortality. He fights Lucifer the Devil; travels through time, meets the
greats of the human race. Defeats Lucifer and achieves immortality. ISBN 1-889545-74-0 (pbk. : acid-free paper) 1. Immortalism--Fiction.
2. Time travel--Fiction.
I. Title. PS3619.T445D63 2005 813'.6--dc22
The novel about Doctor Faustef' by V. Alexander Stefan.
the reader by Victor Faustef. PDF The novel is divided into three books: Lucifer – Book 1; Peregrination – Book 2; and Armageddon– Book 3.
Time Travel
Faustef travels through time; meets the greats of but one human race, fights Lucifer the Devil - achieves immortality. 137 in Physics
The Novel contains 137 chapters, symbolizing the importance of the number 137 (fine structure constant) in physics – a crossroad number of Isaac Newton’s classical physics, Albert Einstein’s relativistic physics, and Niels Bohr’s quantum physics. 137--11 Dimensions of the Universe
When integers in 137 are added, the number 11 is obtained. This is the number of dimensions of our Universe as studied in the so-called M-Theory, a general string theory. Time--Unidirectional Dimension
On the other hand we experience only three spatial dimensions (each being two-directional in nature, meaning possibility of forward and backward movement) and time as unidirectional dimension (we experience time as 'flowing' forward). It can be said that we experience only three and a half dimensions. Doctor Faustef, in this fiction story, acquires the capability to move freely in multidimensional time. 137 in Kabbalah
In addition, the number 137 is a numeric value of KBLH, transliterated as Kabbalah– the Jewish mysticism dating back to Man – God named Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice the Great) - The Snake Man. Ephemerons--Particles of Time
The knowledge on human immortality – homo immortalis – Doctor Faustef reaches based on his theory on the particles of time – ephemerons.
Lucifer Defeated
Lucifer– the guardian of mortality on the planet
Earth is strongly against Faustef’s work. Lucifer offers a deal – Faustef
refuses. Unlike his predecessors, who were yielding to the Devil in one way or the other, Doctor Faustef pursues a head-on fight with the Devil – Lucifer himself - and wins. Scientist--Devil Bargain
The perennial story about the knowledge thirsty scientist Simon Magus, Faust, Faustus and the Devil—the knowledge thirst quencher—comes to the 21st century via Doctor Faustef by V. Alexander Stefan. Chapters in Doctor Faustef
Screenplay DOCTOR
Note by the Author The material presented in the foregoing is a part of my fiction story. It does not reflect my true view either on the contemporary achievements in the physics research, or my view on the various religion-systems and the corresponding mysticisms. Books by V. Stefan in Niels Bohr Library of the American Institute of Physics.
Mailing Address | |
P. O. Box 2946 La Jolla, CA 92038-2946 USA |